Capital Workspaces presents The HUB
Join us every week on Capital Workspaces presents The HUB podcast as we highlight local entrepreneurs, businesses, and the members of Capital Workspaces. Each week we speak to the owners, founder, and even the employee of businesses in the DMV to learn a little more about them, their business, and their journey to the DC, Maryland, and Virginia - DMV - metropolitan area. Already a member of Capital Workspaces? Take advantage of this platform. The first interview is free and will be featured in our weekly newsletter. Members, book your free interview today! Promote yourself and your business. Join us on The HUB presented by Capital Workspaces! ---- Capital Workspaces is a commercial real estate provider which offers co-working and luxury office spaces in two locations, Bethesda MD, and Spring Valley, DC. Visit our website for more information: https://capitalworkspaces.com ----
Capital Workspaces presents The HUB
Ralph Watkins, Vice President with League of Women Voters
What challenges do voters face today?
In this episode of The HUB, we spoke with Ralph Watkins, Vice President with League of Woman Voters of Maryland (LWVMD) about voting rights in America, from the founding of the republic to the present day. We examine the constitutional amendments, laws, court cases, and social movements that shaped the voting landscape, as well as the barriers and obstacles that voters still encounter. We also discuss the importance of voting and civic engagement, how we can protect and expand our democracy, and the current issues and debates around voter ID laws, voter registration, vote by mail, gerrymandering, and election security
Also, we want to encourage our listeners to please visit and donate to Vote411.org to learn how to successfully participate in every election. Whether it's local, state or federal, every election is important to ensuring our laws and policies reflect the values and beliefs of our communities.
Help LWVMD Get Ready for the 2024 Elections!
This fall and winter, help LWVMD prep the Voter's Guides! We're asking each member to get involved in their democracy! Below are a few ways you can get involved:
- Help LWVMD produce the Voter's Guides for every Marylander by donating to Vote411. You can ensure the LWVMD can buy the Vote411 platform and take on new endeavors like translating the Guides into all the languages.
- Help your local Leagues assemble their Voter's Guides or join the State team to pose questions to our candidates.
- Find out when your local League participates in Voter Education or Registration events and volunteer.
- Join the Election Protection team. 866-OUR-VOTE. Every election cycle, League members volunteer at polling places for Election Protection.
For the first time, LWVMD offers the unique opportunity to become a 'Sponsor of Democracy.' Any person who gives $80 or more will be listed on our website as a sponsor of the LWVMD Voter's Guides. Donate today!
November 30, 2023 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Thanks for listening! Subscribe to hear more stories from local professionals, entrepreneurs, and businesses every week! Leave a comment, message us on social media, or contact us directly to share your thoughts on this weeks episode. If you would like to be guest on The HUB send us an email with your information. Members receive their first episode free. Each episode will be promoted in our weekly newsletter!
Send us an email: podcasts@capitalworkspaces.com